After the fun in Cuernavaca and Tepotzlan, it was nice to bring my parents home to Puebla. We took a wrong turn and there were a ton of topes (speed bumps), but we made it.
Elena, my Mom, and I after church on Sunday.
Heading out for a Sunday walk. Chiara has a little yogurt drink in her mouth.
Great view of Popocatepetl as we start walking.
On Monday the kids headed off to public school. This is Joseph.
You can see our lovely van in the background. We have poured way more money into this car than we would have liked, but it did manage to carry all nine of us home from Cuernavaca, and later, with the Watts, it got ten of us to Oaxaca and back (scaring us along the way by quitting in the middle of nowhere, but that'll be a future post). It is the ward bus from our area of town. The kids that live in our area come over for rides on mutual nights, and we give three to five extra people rides to church every Sunday (along with our seven). We've had fourteen people (some kids) in here on several different occasions.
While the kids were at school, my parents, Chiara, and I walked to Costco. We took this picture from the pedestrian bridge we crossed on the way.
Here you can see where Iztaccihuatl is in relation to Popo.
As you can see, Costco looks pretty much the same everywhere.
Stephen read the scripture in Spanish for FHE Monday night.
This is Daniela, a college student who lives in our neighborhood. Her roommate isn't LDS, and she doesn't have family here, so she has FHE with us every week.
As you can see, Chiara loves playing with Daniela.
The kids show Daniela their favorite Veggie Tales' songs.
On Tuesday, we took my parents to see downtown Puebla. This is the Casa de Aguiles Serdan. It is the house of some famous revolutionaries in Mexico. Two brothers were killed here, and all those holes that you see are bullet holes.
Karl, Stephen, my Dad, me
My parents and I in front of the palace of government.

My parents with the Cathedral in the background.

Karl and I in front of the Cathedral.