Chiara enjoys undressing her doll. She named her Baby Mena (which is how she says Elena).
Now Elena has something to do at the park.
Marcela, Brenda, Angie, and Edgar came over for dessert. We had a yummy cheesecake with rasberry topping from Costco. (I don't have an oven to bake a cake in). Marcela was taking the picture.
Besides our family party, both the young women and seminary had cake or treats for Elena near her birthday.
On September 2nd, Stephen turned 12. It is fun to see him passing the sacrament at church, now.
In this picture he is sporting the baseball cap that Elena got him which has the logo of a popular soccer team from Spain on it. He also has on the soccer uniform of the Mexican national team. His dessert is also from Costco -- a white chocolate torte with berries on top.
Of course she thought Stephen should try it.
Stephen managed to take a bite without too much mess since Elena was the photographer. If the camera hadn't been in her hand, I'm sure he would have more cake on his face!
Happy birthday kids! Isn't yours coming up pretty soon, Krista?