Then when we returned from Mexico City, Elena decided that we needed to throw a surprise party for Karl. While he was at school, I walked over to Costco and picked up one of his favorite desserts - a white chocolate torte with berries on top. Then Elena took him for a walk while I made him one of his favorite dinners - fish tacos with mangos - and the boys blew up balloons and put up a Happy Birthday sign. We invited another American family from our stake over for dessert and games.
Blowing out the candles
Laughing as the candles relight!
With our friends, the Seymours
In addition to the surprise party, a group of about ten teachers got together and decided to throw a birthday party for Karl. It was held the following Friday, and the whole family was invited. The party was outside in a carport where four or five long tables had been set up for the event. Most parties here are outdoor events, set up in either a courtyard or driveway. There was music and great food, and everyone enjoyed sitting around and visiting.
There were three birds at the party, and they could be pretty noisy! We thought this one was especially cute.
A question mark on top of the cake
Yep - They made Karl stick his face in the cake and take a bite!
Several people had already left by the time we took this group picture.
Back row: Francisco and Enrique (custodians), a former teacher at the middle school, our family, another teacher
Front row: school secretary, Yolanda, Gisela, Diana, Genoveva, Elva, Sarah, and Jesus
Wow people know you for 1/2 a year and love you so much you get a party! So how old Mr. ?